The Comores Expedition was an essential ‘pathfinder expedition’ to inform the research goals of ‘First Descent: Indian Ocean’.

The Comores Expedition was led by Wild Trust and other partners including CORDIO. An initial 4-week expedition was conducted in October 2018 with Nekton Principle Scientist, Dr. Lucy Woodall participating.

The team collected benthic video surveys using an ROV. Samples were analysed at the Nekton Indian Ocean taxonomic workshop in June 2019. Scientists from the University of Oxford analysed data under Dr. Lucy Woodall’s supervision and initial findings were shared with Comoros partners in December 2019.

Results from the Comores Expedition have been used to help improve management practices by the Comoros partners.

Nekton continues to work with Wild Trust with forthcoming expeditions and conservation activities planned in Comores and South Africa.